Why US?

As a veteran who served in both the US Air Force (Secure Communications) and the US Army (Medevac pilot with 3 tours to Afghanistan) for 20 years, I have a passion for excellence and service. I was born in a small town in central Arkansas, and I have never forgotten my small-town roots.

After retiring from service, my family and I landed in Hazel Green, AL. As for work, I had the privilege to work for a small company that I later left and transitioned to Microsoft.

Since retiring I have also founded my own small business (Veteran Reach Back Group) and nonprofit (Eagle Rising Foundation).

Real Apparel Company is a reflection of my creativity and a way to cope with stress, while also giving me a chance to bond with my kids.

Hope you enjoy our humor and brand as much as we do.

Please join our RAC pack, where we take care of our own and others.

RAC Contact Information: Your Go-To, the Organized Oracle!

RAC Contact Information: Your Go-To, the Organized Oracle!

Hey there, RAC Family!

In the maze of queries and wonders about our products or services, there's one guiding light – our very own Organized Oracle! She's the wizard of wisdom and the sultan of support, here to help you navigate the skies of RAC with ease and a touch of humor.

Introducing The Organized Oracle (aka K) Meet K, also known as the Organized Oracle. She's our administrative maestro with a knack for keeping things shipshape and a sense of humor sharper than a pilot’s wit in the cockpit. Need help with your order, got a question about our products, or just want to share a laugh? The Organized Oracle is your go-to guru, ensuring your RAC experience is as delightful as finding an extra pack of peanuts on a long flight.

Email Us at admin@vrbginc.com For a direct line to RAC’s command center, shoot an email to admin@vrbginc.com. The Organized Oracle and her team of support aviators are ready to read, respond, and resolve with the efficiency of a well-oiled propeller. Expect a reply quicker than a skydiver’s descent, usually within 1-2 business days.

Social Media Skywaves Keep it casual and connect with us on social media. Whether you’re a Twitter tactician, a Facebook flyer, or an Instagram ace, we’re on your favorite digital airstrip. Follow us for updates, engage in light-hearted banter, or slide into our DMs like a stealth jet.

No Morse Code, Just Modern Magic While we appreciate the romance of old-school communication, there's no need to dust off your Morse code manual. We're all about staying connected through the latest digital channels – quick, efficient, and just a tap away.

Remember, at RAC, you're part of a crew that values fun, functionality, and a touch of the extraordinary. Whether you're an aviation aficionado, a lover of all things organized, or just someone who enjoys a good chuckle, the Organized Oracle is here to ensure your journey with us is as enjoyable as an impromptu airshow on a sunny day.

Happy contacts and clear communications, The Organized Oracle (K) & The RAC Team 📧✈️🌟

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